Sermon Archive
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2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Russel Arnold | Galatians |
Galatians 3 to 6 March 3rd 2017 |
Russel Arnold | Suffering |
Suffering Sept 2nd 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Easter |
The Resurrection
April 15th 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Pentecost |
The Meaning of Pentecost
June 3rd 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Prayer |
Prayer Explained
July 1st 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Joy |
Fruits of the Spirit - Joy
September 30th 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Remembrance |
Remembrance Sermon
November 11th 2017 |
Gary Glenister | Advent |
The Incarnation
December 23rd 2017 |
Brian Hickson | Dark before the Dawn |
It is usually darkest before the dawn
January 21st 2017 |
Brian Hickson | Refuse to hate |
Refuse to hate
March 4th 2017 |
Brian Hickson | From the East |
Why was the entrance to the Temple in the East
March 4th 2017 |
Brian Hickson | Abraham |
Abraham's Faith and Trust
June 4th 2017 |
Brian Hickson | Decent People |
Who is really behind human atrocities
February 10th 2017 |
Hugh Jenkins | The Gospel |
The Gospel is Grace May 20th 2017 |
Hugh Jenkins | God's Supremacy |
God is Supreme over Satan Apr 22nd 2017 |
Hugh Jenkins | Forgiveness |
God's Forgiveness Aug 26th 2017 |
Hugh Jenkins | Coping |
Coping with the Stress of Modern Life October 7th 2017 |
Hugh Jenkins | Encouragement |
November 25th 2017 |
Richard Milligan | Where we're at |
Where we are in God's Plan Sept 9th 2017 |
Richard Milligan | Luther |
Luther's Five Solae and Evangelical Belief October 10th 2017 |
Richard Milligan | Cosmology And Incarnation |
Cosmology And Incarnation December 18th 2017 |
Richard Milligan | Christ |
Christ is the Answer December 30th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Our Forgiveness |
How does Christ's death save us?
February 4th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Trials of Life |
Understanding and coping with trials
March 25th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Palm Sunday |
How the Passover points to Christ's Crucifiction
April 8th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Ascension |
Christ's Ascension to Heaven
May 27th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Forgiveness |
Forgiving and the Christian Life
August 5th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Mt. Sinai |
Where is Mount Sinai?
September 16th 2017 |
Thomas Harper | Trials |
Understanding Trials
November 18th 2017 |
Tony Goudie | The Love of God |
The Love of God
May 13th 2017 |
Gareth Williams | Gareth's Testimony |
The Power of God's Grace
July 30th 2017 |
Sermons from 2016
Speaker | Title | Description |
Russel Arnold | Referendum |
Christian musings on the recent referendum Jul 2nd 2016 |
Russel Arnold | Joseph |
Joseph and his Family Aug 27th 2016 |
Allan Austin | Ezekiel |
Ezekiel's Message Feb 6th 2016 |
Allan Austin | 2 Sam 12 |
A Lesson from 2 Sam 12 Mar 12th 2016 |
Allan Austin | Home |
Thoughts about home May 21st 2016 |
Allan Austin | July 30th 2016 |
July 30th 2016 |
Allan Austin | Jesus |
Jesus early life December 17th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | God's gift to us |
Romans 5 God's gift to us
Jan 9th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Christ's Death |
Was Christ's death an accident Feb 13th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Palm Sunday |
Christ's entry into Jerusalem Mar 19th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Animals |
Animals in the Bible Apr 9th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Ascension |
Christ's Ascension
May 7th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Emotion |
Emotion in the Bible
June 11th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Encouragement |
Encouragement in the Bible
August 11th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Sermon 24th Sept |
Sermon 24th Sept
September 24th 2016 |
Gary Glenister | Christian Service |
Christian Service in a Multicultural society
November 12th 2016 |
Brian Hickson | Gestation |
Human Gestation and the Old Covenant Days compared Jan 30th 2016 |
Brian Hickson | Hygiene |
Hygiene in the Old Testament Mar 3rd 2016 |
Brian Hickson | The enemy of my enemy |
of my enemy July 23rd 2016 |
Brian Hickson | King Saul |
King Saul
Sept 10th 2016 |
Brian Hickson | Persevere |
Persevere with life until Victory
October 22nd 2016 |
Hugh Jenkins | Justification |
Justification July 2nd 2016 |
Hugh Jenkins | Joy in Trials |
Understanding and Joy during Trials Dec 3rd 2016 |
Hugh Jenkins | Trials and Prayer |
Our use of prayer during Trials Dec 3rd 2016 |
Richard Milligan | Ezekiel 47 |
Ezekiel 47 understood in the light of New Testament
revelation. Jan 16th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | John 10 |
John 10. Feb 20th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | Easter Sermon |
The Resurrection at Easter. Mar 26th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | Isaiah 53 |
Christ's Atonement Apr 23rd 2016 |
Richard Milligan | The Human Condition |
The Human Condition in the Spirit June 4th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | Baptism |
Baptism July 16th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | The Gospel |
What is the gospel? August 20th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | The True Gospel |
What is the true gospel? September 17th 2016 |
Richard Milligan | The Kingdom |
What is the nature of the Kingdom? October 1st 2016 |
Richard Milligan | Authority |
All authority derives from God November 5th 2016 |
Russel Arnold | Wisdom |
Wisdom May 14th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | Was Christ born in a cave, a tower or a stable? |
Where was Christ born? Jan 2nd 2016 |
Thomas Harper | Crucified, dead and buried. |
The meaning of Baptism. Feb 27th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | The Holy Spirit |
The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Apr 16th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | The Seal |
Our sealing by the Holy Spirit.
June 18th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | Hebrews 10 |
The superiority of Christ over the Old Covenant
August 6th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | Grace |
What is Grace?
October 15th 2016 |
Thomas Harper | Identity |
Our Identity in Christ
November 11th 2016 |
Speaker | Title | Description |
Allan Austin | Daniel prophesied Christ | Daniel -- He Prophesied the Christ |
Gary Glenister | New Year Sermon | We are renewed Day by Day |
Gary Glenister | Worship | The meaning of Worship |
Gary Glenister | God in a Bod | The Life of Christ |
Gary Glenister | Pentecost | The Meaning of Pentecost |
Gary Glenister | After Pentecost | What happened after Pentecost |
Gary Glenister | Refugees | Christian response to the refugee crisis |
Gary Glenister | Christ the Light | Christ is the Light of the World. |
Brian Hickson | Hoseah | A lesson from Hoseah |
Brian Hickson | Christ will Rule | The oppressed are turning to Christ |
Brian Hickson | Passover Lamb | The Image of Christ in the Passover Lamb |
Alan Austin | February Sermon | February Sermon |
Alan Austin | Christ's Return | Being Ready for Christ's Return |
Richard Milligan | The Peace of God | Receiving the Peace of God |
Richard Milligan |
Man's Spirit |
Body Soul and Spirit
Richard Milligan | Matthew 18 | Matthew 18 |
Richard Milligan | Understanding our Commission | Understanding the Truth of the Great Commission |
Richard Milligan | Elishah | Lessons from Elishah's Life |
Richard Milligan | 2015 08 29 | Sermon 2015 08 29 |
Richard Milligan | 2015 09 19 | Sermon 2015 09 19 |
Richard Milligan | Romans 8 | Romans 8 |
Richard Milligan | An explanation of Ephesians 4:1-6 | Ephesians 4:1-6,17 |
Thomas Harper | The Resurrection | What the Resurrection means to us |
Thomas Harper | Toxic Gospels | Be alert against man-made additions to the Gospel |
Thomas Harper | Sanctification | The meaning of Sanctification |
Thomas Harper | The Intermediate State | What happens after we die - two viewpoints examined |
Thomas Harper | The timing of the Last Supper | The Synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John apparently contradict each other about the timing of the Last Supper - but only in our English translations. The Greek tells a different story. PDF: Table of Translations |
Tony Goudie | The Resurrection | What will we be like in the Resurrection? |
Speaker | Title | Description |
Allan Austin | Trust God | You can trust God |
Allan Austin | Christmas | Christmas message |
Russel Arnold | Kindness | Kindness, forgiveness and mercy in the Christian life |
Russel Arnold | Peace of Mind | Biblical advice on achieving peace of mind |
Gary Glenister | God as Potter | How God moulds and forms us |
Gary Glenister | James part 1 | The Book of James |
Gary Glenister | James part 2 | The Book of James continued |
Gary Glenister | James part 3 | The Book of James continued PDF: Pictures for James part 3 |
Gary Glenister | James part 4 | The Book of James continued |
Gary Glenister | James part 5 | The Book of James continued |
Gary Glenister | James part 6 | The Book of James Final |
Gary Glenister | Resurrection | Christ's Resurrection |
Gary Glenister | A piece of cake | A piece of cake |
Gary Glenister | Light | Being a Light |
Tony Goudie | Covenants | God's Covenant with Abraham |
Tony Goudie | Evangelising | Dos and Donts of Evangelism |
Tony King | Prayer | Prayer is Fellowship |
Thomas Harper | Three Covenants | The three most important Covenants in the Bible and how they relate to us today |
Thomas Harper | Stephen's Martyrdom | Stephen's ministry and its lessons for us today |
Thomas Harper | Justification and Sanctification | Christians are set apart for Holy Use after Justification |
Thomas Harper | Prayer | There are different intensities of praying |
Thomas Harper | The Revealed God | How can we know anything about God. (Transcript only). |
Thomas Harper | After Death | We have a hope that lies beyond death. |
James Henderson | The God of the Old Testament | Understanding the God of the Old Testament |
Brian Hickson | Our Identity | Our Identity is in Christ |
Brian Hickson | Anointing Oil | Lessons from the Tabernacle. We are anointed for a purpose. |
Brian Hickson | Lessons from the Tabernacle | How the Holy Spirit is illustrated in parts of the Tabernacle. |
Brian Hickson | Being a Light to Islam | A brief background to the Koran and being a light to Muslims. |
Brian Hickson | Which Way am I pointing | Which way am I pointing. |
Hugh Jenkins | Covenants | Covenants before Sinai. |
Richard Milligan | The Lord's Prayer | The context and constructs of the Lord's Prayer explained |
Richard Milligan | Faith | The definition of faith |
Richard Milligan | Time | God's view of time |
Richard Milligan | Religious Fundamentalism | True Religion is about Relationship not Regulation |
Richard Milligan | What's Wrong with the Creeds | There's something missing in the Creeds |
Richard Milligan | Judgement | The importance of Judgement in Salvation |
Richard Milligan | Christmas | Family sermon for Christmas |
Speaker | Title | Description |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 5 | Continuing the study of the Book of Ephesians. |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 6 | Continuing the study of the Book of Ephesians. |
Richard Milligan | Palm Sunday | The events of Palm Sunday |
Richard Milligan | The Resurrection | What the Resurrection means for us |
Richard Milligan | Colossians 2 | Studying the Bible - Col 2 as an example |
Richard Milligan | The real meaning of I John | How I John speaks to us today. |
Richard Milligan | I John part 2 | Continuing the study of I John |
Richard Milligan | I John part 3 | Continuing the study of I John |
Richard Milligan | I John part 4 | How I John speaks to us today. |
Richard Milligan | I John part 5 | I John chapter 4. |
Richard Milligan | Reflections on the Incarnation | The Incarnation |
Gary Glenister | Freedom in Christ | Our freedom in Christ is not license . |
Gary Glenister | Galatians | The Book of Galatians Part 1 . |
Gary Glenister | Pentecost | Pentecost Sermon . |
Gary Glenister | Galatians | Continuing in Galatians Part 2. |
Gary Glenister | Galatians | Continuing in Galatians Part 3. |
Gary Glenister | Galatians | Continuing in Galatians Part 4. |
Gary Glenister | Galatians | Continuing in Galatians Part 5. |
Gary Glenister | Kyaks and the Kingdom | How my kyak journey through the sea showed me many allegories for our journey towards the Kingdom. |
Gary Glenister | The Gift of Life | God's gift at Christmas. Past, Present and Future. |
Tony Goudie | Looking Forwards | As Christians we should look towards our future. |
Thomas Harper | Building on Christ | Our lives must be built on Christ |
Thomas Harper | Ascension Sermon | What the Ascension means for us |
Thomas Harper | Christmas - not so pagan after all | The date for Christmas was calculated by early Christians, they were not trying to copy pagan dates. Calculating backwards from the fall of the Temple in 70 AD leads to a late December birth. |
Thomas Harper | Naturalism | The philosophy of naturalism verses the Christian view of reality. |
James Henderson | Christian Apolgetics | PDF:
Introduction Explaining and defending our faith. |
Brian Hickson | Jewish Weddings and Jesus | Lessons from Jewish Weddings and Jesus |
Brian Hickson | Christmas | Some thoughts about Christmas |
Brian Hickson | Daniel 2 | Daniel 2 in Prophecy |
Brian Hickson | Husbands love your Wives | An exposition on love |
Brian Hickson | Christ as Seed | Christ is figuratively seed and bread in the Bible |
Brian Hickson | Seed and Arm | The Seed and Arm of the Lord |
Brian Hickson | Trust in God | The Example of Joshua and Caleb |
Jan Hickson | He made the Stars also | PDF: He made the Stars also
Do the stars reveal God's Plan - 1? |
Jan Hickson | For signs and for seasons | PDF: For signs and seasons
Do the stars reveal God's Plan - 2? |
Jan Hickson | Weighed in the balance | PDF: Weighed in the balance
Do the stars reveal God's Plan - 3? |
Jan Hickson | Cancer and Ophuichus | PDF: Cancer and Ophuicus
Do the stars reveal God's Plan - 4? |
Tony King | Road to Damascus | What we can learn from Paul's Road to Damascus experience |
Tony King | Trust in God | Learn not to fear by trusting in God |
Russel Arnold | Hope | We are encouraged by Hope |
Speaker | Title | Description |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 09 | The ninth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 10 | The tenth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 11 | The eleventh in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 12 | The twelth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 13 | The thirteenth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 14 | The fourteenth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | The Empty Tomb | The meaning of the Resurrection. |
Richard Milligan | Studying God's Word | How to Study the Bible. |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 1 | The first in a series studying the book of Ephesians. |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 2 | The second in a series studying the book of Ephesians. |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 3 | Continuing the study of the book of Ephesians. |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians overview | An analysis of the structure of Ephesians 1-5 |
Richard Milligan | Ephesians part 4 | Continuing the study of the Book of Ephesians. |
Gary Glenister | Lessons from a Leak | Dealing with sin issues in our lives. |
Gary Glenister | What is God Doing? | Looking at the larger picture of what God is doing and our part in it. |
Gary Glenister | After the Resurrection Part 1 | What Christ was doing between the Resurrection and the Ascension. |
Gary Glenister | After the Resurrection Part 2 | Continuing... What Christ was doing between the Resurrection and the Ascension. |
Gary Glenister | Pentecost Sermon | Be content with God's spiritual gift and blessing. |
Gary Glenister | God is Love | How God's Love is manifested |
Gary Glenister | We need God | Lessons
from a cabbage.![]() |
Gary Glenister | Transformation | Our new life in Christ |
Gary Glenister | 20 10 2012 | 20 10 2012 |
Gary Glenister | Remembrance | Annual Remembrance Message |
Gary Glenister | Be the Light | 15 12 2012 . |
Thomas Harper | Forgiving | Why and How to Forgive |
Thomas Harper | Christ our Passover | The Passover points to Christ |
Thomas Harper | A Healthy Spiritual Heart | Keeping our spiritual heart healthy |
Thomas Harper | Acts 15 binds Christians today | Christians are not bound to be circumcised or to keep the Law of Moses. |
Thomas Harper | The Greatest Paradigm Shift Ever | The Old Testament can only be understood via the New Testament |
Brian Hickson | The shepherds announce the Messiah | The shepherds role in announcing the Messiah's birth |
Brian Hickson | Israel's Role in History | God's calling for Israel to be an example to the world and it's relevance to us |
Brian Hickson | Jewish Weddings and Jesus | Lessons from Jewish Weddings and Jesus |
Brian Hickson | Dew | What does the Bible mean by dew and a lesson for us |
Jan Hickson | Forgiveness | Forgiveness requires God's help |
Nigel Kiernander | Mission House | Mission House explained |
Joy Colstick | The Christian Life | What we encounter as we live as Christians |
Joy Colstick | The Bride of Christ | Ponder your future as the bride of Christ |
Tony King | Trials | How to face our trials in life |
Tony King | Mistaken Identity | The true God revealed |
Tony King | It's up to Christ | Everything depends on Christ |
Russel Arnold | The Holy Spirit | The Holy Spirit |
Sermons from 2011
Speaker | Title | Description |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 1 | The first in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 2 | The second in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 3 | The third in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 4 | The fourth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 5 | The fifth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 6 | The sixth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 7 | The seventh in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Richard Milligan | Romans Part 8 | The eighth in a series of sermons explaining the Book of Romans. |
Jan Hickson | God's Love | A personal testimony, "Where God's love has brought me". |
John Bush | Freedom in Christ | God's Love gives us freedom in Christ. |
Brian Hickson | Mind your Words | Our words can have a powerful effect |
Brian Hickson | God shall wipe away all tears | Remembrance Sermon |
Gary Glenister | Now What 1 | Stepping Out in Faith Part 1 |
Gary Glenister | Now What 2 | Stepping Out in Faith Part 2 |
Gary Glenister | Jesus | Jesus. Past, Present and Future |
Thomas Harper | Seal, Downpayment and Witness | Three aspects of the Holy Spirit |
Thomas Harper | Prayer | The Importance of Prayer in the Christian Life |
Thomas Harper | Why Suffering? | Why Christians Suffer in this Life |
Joy Colstick | Christmas and the Last Days | Understanding Christ's Second Coming by understanding His First |
Statements made or opinions expressed in these Sermons do not necessarily reflect the views of Grace Communion International, its participating Organisations or its Officers and none accept any liability for statements made or opinions expressed.